practical joker


practical joker 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a playful trick, often involving some physical agent or means, in which the victim is placed in an embarrassing or disadvantageous position.

practical joker 近义词

practical joker

等同于 jester

practical joker

等同于 zany

更多practical joker例句

  1. Maria has a penchant for practical jokes—a scene in which she places a prank call to a neighbor, fueling the woman’s dreams of becoming a film star, is slightly cruel, but also so perfectly executed that you can’t help laughing.
  2. Others find humor and stress relief in a good laugh and an amusing practical joke.
  3. Still, when Salazar called to offer him employment, he thought it was a practical joke.
  4. Policemen on the show joke about prison riots, bomb threats, and the shooting of unarmed civilians.
  5. A running joke inside the tribe is that the group is like that club with a hundred people waiting outside to get in.
  6. A practical man who refused to run from the dreams that always drove him.
  7. And that was well before this Christmas, when he appeared to joke about Obama being a Muslim.
  8. Within a concentration camp, would someone make a joke about the number, the tattooed number?
  9. These practical demonstrations occurred usually in the opening enthusiasm of the term.
  10. As the weeks wore on, the pretence of practical teaching was quietly dropped, and we crammed our science out of the text-book.
  11. The patriarchal decree of the government was a good deal of a joke on the plains, anyway—except when you were caught defying it!
  12. Mr. Crow was rocking back and forth on his perch, for a joke—on anybody except himself—always delighted him.
  13. Well, thinks I, this is no joke sure, at this lick I'll have family enuff to do me in a few years.